What immunizations will my child need in order to attend Lake View?
State Law requires that all children be completely immunized before attending public school. For a complete list of the required immunizations, visit the district Immunization page.
What are the registration procedures to attending Lake View Primary?
Visit our district Registration page for detailed information about registration.
What if my child must be absent?
If you know your child must miss school for a scheduled reason, please contact our office at 608-4200 prior to the absence and report it by leaving the following information:
Your child's first and last name
Your child's teacher and grade
The reason for the absence
If your child is absent unexpectedly and you are unable to call, you may send a note with your child upon his return to school.
What if I need to take my child out of school before the end of the day?
Lake View Primary enforces a "closed campus" to best assure the safety of our students, so students must stay at school throughout the day unless they are signed out at the office by their parents.
What if my child is tardy to school?
Tardiness may affect our students opportunity to be successful, so we ask that parents and students make every effort to arrive to school on time. We understand that absences and tardies are sometimes unavoidable, but if they become excessive, the Student Study Team will make contact with the family to see if there can be any assistance given to help your child be successful. Are parents allowed to visit their children during school?
Parents and family members are encouraged to visit Lake View. We only ask that you check in at the office, where you will be given a visitor pass. This helps to ensure the safety of our students.
What is the dress code for Lake View Primary?
We trust that parents will help their children to dress practically in relation to the weather and school activities. Students should always be clean and well-groomed. The following are not permitted:
Clothing or hats depicting gang symbols or activities
Clothing which is not your child's size (i.e. no oversized shirts or pants)
Clothing promoting alcohol and/or other drugs
See-through shirts or "crop" tops (no bare tummies)
Shorts must be mid-thigh length
What are the lunch times?
Check out our bell/lunch schedule for detailed information about lunch times. You can find the schedule linked above, under the "About Us" navigation tab.
What are the meal prices?
Our school cafeteria serves breakfast and hot lunches daily. You can see the current prices, as well as the monthly menu, on our School Menus page.
Parents may make deposits into their child's account in several ways:
Send cash or check (with driver's license number, telephone number, and address) payable to Page School Cafeteria, and put it in an envelope with the student's and teacher's name.
Visit the cafeteria any morning by 12:30 to deposit funds.
Visit the Nutrition Office on the main campus until 4:30 p.m.
Visit www.myschoolbucks.com to deposit funds via the Internet.
Parents need to have their students ID to set up an account.
Students are allowed to charge lunches when they forget their lunch or lunch money. However, after three unpaid charges have accumulated, further charges will not be allowed.
Can I eat lunch in the cafeteria with my child?
Parents are welcome to eat with their children at a cost of $2.50 for breakfast and $3.50 for lunch.
Where can I find a list of bus schedules and routes?
A complete listing of the district bus schedules can be found on the Transportation page of the District website.
What if my child wants to go home with a friend on the bus?
Any change in bus transportation requires a note from a parent.
What is the best way to pick up my child after school?
Arizona State Code does not allow parents in the bus loading area. Please read our procedures for dropping off and picking up your child.
Are there items I should not allow my child to bring to school?
Any items that may cause a disturbance or a hazard should not be brought to school. The following items are prohibited:
Footballs or hard baseballs
Toy guns, squirt guns, and water balloons
Knives, firecrackers, caps, explosives, matches, lighters, peashooters, sling-shots, etc.
Cell phones, tablets, iPads, etc., electronic games, CD's and cassette players/recorders, walkie-talkies, or other valuable items, unless approved by the teacher for a special project
Large amounts of money
Any student bringing a deadly weapon to school may face expulsion from school for a period of one year.
I'd like to participate in my child's education. What are some ways I can help?
That's what we like to hear! There's always lots going on at Lake View Primary, so please call our office at 608-4200 to volunteer. Lake View also has a Site Council which is made up of teachers, parents, community members, and other staff. The meeting schedule will be established and posted in the office. For some great tips, please view our Parent Participation information.
When are report cards issued, and how are students graded?
Lake View report cards are completed quarterly. The report cards reflect your child's academic achievement in reading, writing and math areas. These subjects are broken down into components so that you have specific information about your child's strengths and weaknesses. The areas of science, social studies and health, as well as special classes, are graded primarily on your student's effort and participation. Parent conferences are scheduled in October and March. However, anytime you have a question or concern, our teachers welcome additional conferences with parents.